

Mike was so incredibly helpful! He made the process fun, and easy, and helped me through every aspect of looking at, making an offer, and purchasing a home. Would highly recommend him!


Mike is a triple threat—professional, knowledgeable, and warm. He has an insider pulse on the real estate market and helped us navigate this process with ease. We couldn't imagine working with someone more wonderful than him!


Mike is a rock star agent. Quick to respond and quick to act. Mike identified the property I ended up buying and consummated an amazing transaction. All the negotiating he did during my home purchase saved me thousands of dollars. I highly recommend Mike to anyone seeking superb representation.


Kim truly took a challenging and intimidating rental market and made the process easy, as stress-free as possible, and helped us find the perfect rental. Being new to Chicago we were unsure of the neighborhoods, the process, and the best place to start. Kim listened to all of our wants/needs, asked great questions, and dedicated ample time to help us explore the neighborhoods and find the best location for us. She was responsive and timely in communication, advocated for us in challenging situations, and helped us through lease signing and move-in. We really could not have done it without her, I would recommend Kim over and over again for buying, renting, or selling!


Mike was fantastic to work with, start to finish. He was always available (phone, text, email) to answer questions as they came up. When our first buyer backed out he was always confident that we'd get another buyer and kept me upbeat that we would get it sold, which we did! My family had a great experience with Mike and would highly recommend him to anyone looking to sell their home.

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With enthusiasm and passion for real estate, we are dedicated to providing the best experience for our clients whether looking to buy or sell. We are also adept in condo sales, luxury properties, and investment opportunities.

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